Bankruptcy and Student Loans
The price of college is steadily rising and student loan debt is increasing along with credit card debt and many recent college graduates are feeling the pinch. Six months after graduation the student loan bills start arriving and even with their lower interest rates, they add to the burden.
Many students think about filing for bankruptcy as a way to relieve themselves of all the debt. While that is certainly a possibility, take a hard look at it before taking the leap. There are several types of debt that may not be discharged by a bankruptcy filing.
Read the rest of the article at Bankruptcy and College Loans
The price of college is steadily rising and student loan debt is increasing along with credit card debt and many recent college graduates are feeling the pinch. Six months after graduation the student loan bills start arriving and even with their lower interest rates, they add to the burden.
Many students think about filing for bankruptcy as a way to relieve themselves of all the debt. While that is certainly a possibility, take a hard look at it before taking the leap. There are several types of debt that may not be discharged by a bankruptcy filing.
Read the rest of the article at Bankruptcy and College Loans
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