College Scholarships, Grants & Loans

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Michigan's Oakland University to Eliminate Loans

A few years go, I took a couple of courses at one of our state universities and was amazed when the fees they charged cost more (much more) than the tuition. Of course, that's just the way state schools get around having tuition increases more massive than they already are.

So, I was kind of surprised when I read an article about Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, and saw that they charge no activity fees, no registration fees, not even application fees.

On top of that,they are expanding scholarships for next year so that incoming freshmen with financial need will be able to attend Oakland Unversity loan-free. Students must meet the normal admissions criteria and must submit the FAFSA. The tuition grant will cover the difference after the EFC and all other scholarship and grant awards have been applied.

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

I just saw an article that mentioned a credit union that is awarding scholarships to members and children of members. I Googled "credit union scholarship" and here is a sampling of wht I found.

Virginia Credit Union For the 2009-2010 school year, the Virginia Credit Union will award 25 college scholarships up to $2,500. Applications due March 31, 2009.

Washington State Employees Credit Union WSECU will award 27 college scholarships in 2009, including 20 scholarships of $2000 for students pursuing a four-year or graduate degree and seven $1,000 scholarships for those studying at a two-year or vocational school full-time in fall quarter of this year. Application due March 2, 2009.

Valley First Credit Union Scholarships to California State University, Fresno; California State University, Stanislaus; Fresno City College. Applications due March 2, 2009.

Travis Credit Union - Mary Keith Duff Memorial Scholarship Program. Twenty $1,000 scholarships are available. Applications due March 13, 2009.

Commonwealth Credit Union Nathan Leach Reach For The Stars Scholarship Program. The maximum scholarship is $4,000 over a four-year period for undergraduate study. Applications due March 27, 2009.

AEA Federal Credit Union The AEA Federal Credit Union's Scholarship Program provides awards to students in La Paz and Yuma counties. Applications are due April 15, 2009.

United Federal Credit Union They will provide one scholarship in the amount of $3000 and two scholar­ships of $1000 each. Applications are due March 1, 2009.

Tyndall Federal Credit Union The Tyndall FCU will award five (5) $1,000 Scholarships to deserving high school seniors. Applications are due March 16, 2009.

There are 981,000 results. If you want to narrow it down, search "your state credit union scholarships". For most of these, you need to be a member of the credit union. That usually means you need to have an account with them. For many, opening a $5 savings account is sufficient.

Good luck.

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