College Scholarships, Grants & Loans

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cleveland and Cuyahoga Community College Begin Scholarship Program

Good news for graduates of the Cleveland School District. 275 of this year's graduates will benefit from a $3,000 scholarship, enough to cover tuition, books and fees at Cuyahoga CC. Beyond that, another 60 students will receive $1,250 to cover part time studies.

The application can be found online at the CCC website. They are encouraging applications to be submitted by August 16.

For the moment, the scholarships will fund the 2008-09 school year, but Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson hopes to be able to continue the program in future years.

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WalMart College Success Awards Announced

In a July 14 press release, the Walmart Foundation and the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) announced the winners of the WalMart College Success Awards. These included 20 colleges who are members of the CIC and have shown success in the past helping first-generation college students make it through their college years and graduate with a degree.

The winning colleges will receive a $100,000 grant to help build their program. Those winning colleges are Adrian College (Adrian, MI), Bay Path College (Longmeadow, MA), Bellarmine University (Louisville, KY),California Lutheran University (Thousand Oak, CA), Carroll University (Waukesha, WI), College of Idaho (Caldwell, ID), College of Mount Saint Vincent (Bronx, NY), College of Saint Benedict (St. Joseph, MN), College of St. Scholastica (Duluth, MN), Florida Memorial University Miami Gardens, FL), Illinois College (Jacksonville, IL), Juniata College (Huntingdon, PA), Kalamazoo College (Kalamazoo, MI), Lesley University (Cambridge, MA), Manchester College (North Manchester, IN), North Central College (Napierville, IL), Ripon College (Ripon, WI), St. Edward’s University (Austin, TX), Wartburg College (Waverly, IA), and Wiley College (Marshall, TX).

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