Wisconsin Students to Benefit from $175 Million Gift to Fund for Wisconsin Scholars
On December 18, the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars, Inc. (FFWS) announced a gift of $175 million from John P. and Tashia F. Morgridge to provide grants for eligible, lower-income, Wisconsin public school graduates who will be attending a Wisconsin public post-secondary school.
The FFWS estimates that during the 2008-09 academic year about 2,000 grants will be awarded, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. In ensuing years, more than 3,000 grants should be awarded. You can get more information at the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars website.
Denver Public School Students | DSF Scholarships
The Denver Scholarship Foundation was begun last year with the purpose of providing scholarships to any Denver students who needed them. Last year 170 kids received scholarships and more than 200 received a free laptop computer fro the DSF.
The Foundation is in the process of raising enough funds to allow the awarding of scholarships to all needy Denver high school graduates who meet the requirements. The application deadline will be March 31, 2008 and the applications should be on the DSF website by the end of January. Get more information about the DSF grants and the requirements at the Denver Scholarship Foundation website.
Haverford College Eliminates Student Loans From Their Financial Aid Packages
In a letter from President Stephen G. Emerson, Haverford College of Haverford, PA, announced that it will eliminate all student loans for incoming freshmen and will reduce the loans of continuing students.
The program is being funded by a new endowment fund called the Next Generation Fund. Haverford graduates who benefit from the new grants will be asked to contribute in the future as they are able to allow future student to benefit as they have.
Here are the latest updates on College Scholarships, Loans and Grants.
Wisconsin Grants
Colorado Grants
College Loan News
Technorati Tags: College Loans Financial AidPaying for College Denver Scholarship Foundation College Grants Fund for Wisconsin ScholarsHaverford College Next Generation Fund
On December 18, the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars, Inc. (FFWS) announced a gift of $175 million from John P. and Tashia F. Morgridge to provide grants for eligible, lower-income, Wisconsin public school graduates who will be attending a Wisconsin public post-secondary school.
The FFWS estimates that during the 2008-09 academic year about 2,000 grants will be awarded, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. In ensuing years, more than 3,000 grants should be awarded. You can get more information at the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars website.
Denver Public School Students | DSF Scholarships
The Denver Scholarship Foundation was begun last year with the purpose of providing scholarships to any Denver students who needed them. Last year 170 kids received scholarships and more than 200 received a free laptop computer fro the DSF.
The Foundation is in the process of raising enough funds to allow the awarding of scholarships to all needy Denver high school graduates who meet the requirements. The application deadline will be March 31, 2008 and the applications should be on the DSF website by the end of January. Get more information about the DSF grants and the requirements at the Denver Scholarship Foundation website.
Haverford College Eliminates Student Loans From Their Financial Aid Packages
In a letter from President Stephen G. Emerson, Haverford College of Haverford, PA, announced that it will eliminate all student loans for incoming freshmen and will reduce the loans of continuing students.
The program is being funded by a new endowment fund called the Next Generation Fund. Haverford graduates who benefit from the new grants will be asked to contribute in the future as they are able to allow future student to benefit as they have.
Here are the latest updates on College Scholarships, Loans and Grants.
Wisconsin Grants
Colorado Grants
College Loan News
Technorati Tags: College Loans Financial AidPaying for College Denver Scholarship Foundation College Grants Fund for Wisconsin ScholarsHaverford College Next Generation Fund
Labels: college grants, denver scholarship foundation, dsf scholarships, ffws, financial aid, fund for wisconsin scholars, haverford college, john morgridge, paying for college, student grants, student loans

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