Student Consolidation Loan Checklist
If you are graduating college soon, now is the time to begin preparations for your student consolidation loan. You have a six month grace period after graduation before payments begin, but the consolidation loan application process can take several weeks, especially if you haven't gathered all your loan information and decided on a lender.
Inventory your student loans. Make a list of all your loans, including type of loan, lender, the amount of your loans, interest rates and the amount of your payments. Review your loan documents, contact your lenders or loan servicers or go to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) website. If you don't know your PIN (Personal Identification Number) to log in, you will have to request a new one and it will be mailed to you. Expect to wait a week or two for the PIN to arrive, so best to get it done early.
Read the rest of this article at Student Consolidation Loan Checklist
If you are graduating college soon, now is the time to begin preparations for your student consolidation loan. You have a six month grace period after graduation before payments begin, but the consolidation loan application process can take several weeks, especially if you haven't gathered all your loan information and decided on a lender.
Inventory your student loans. Make a list of all your loans, including type of loan, lender, the amount of your loans, interest rates and the amount of your payments. Review your loan documents, contact your lenders or loan servicers or go to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) website. If you don't know your PIN (Personal Identification Number) to log in, you will have to request a new one and it will be mailed to you. Expect to wait a week or two for the PIN to arrive, so best to get it done early.
Read the rest of this article at Student Consolidation Loan Checklist
Labels: college loans, consolidate, student consolidation loan, student loans

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