Michigan drops out-of-state merit scholarships
Governor Jennifer Granholm signed Senate Bill 861 into law on Friday, June 30, eliminating the $1,000 Michigan Merit Award for those attending out-of-state schools. 2006 Michigan high school graduates who will be attending out-of-state colleges and meet all requirements will still be eligble to receive the $1,000 Michigan merit award scholarship. But those graduating in 2007 or later will not have this scholarship available.
Governor Jennifer Granholm signed Senate Bill 861 into law on Friday, June 30, eliminating the $1,000 Michigan Merit Award for those attending out-of-state schools. 2006 Michigan high school graduates who will be attending out-of-state colleges and meet all requirements will still be eligble to receive the $1,000 Michigan merit award scholarship. But those graduating in 2007 or later will not have this scholarship available.
Read more at Michigan Merit Award.
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